"With consumer prices down over the past year, monthly Social Security and Supplemental Security Income benefits for more than 57 million Americans will not automatically increase in 2010. This will be the first year without an automatic Adjustment (COLA) since they went into effect in 1975.
“Social Security is doing its job helping Americans maintain their standard of living,” Michael J. Astrue, Commissioner of Social Security said. “Last year when consumer prices spiked, largely as a result of higher gas prices, beneficiaries received a 5.8 percent COLA, the largest increase since 1982. This year, in light of the human need, we need to support President Obama’s call for us to make another $250 recovery payment for 57 million Americans.” Prompt Passage of Economic Recovery Act Payment for 2010 Needed
I am on Medicare for medical and Rx. It comes out of my Social Security Disability*; $137.40 a month. Some people think we have a free ride - not so. This year they/Congress decided that we would have no COLA/Cost of Living Increase. This because the cost of living had not increased. Behind that letter, came a letter informing me that my insurance premium was going up $4 a month. Also, my insurance provider, slipped in a new choice: $4 and ^ co-pays or $0 and ^ co-pays. I have always had $0 and ^ co-pays on generic. But, because I failed to read the part about checking the box, I missed that I needed to change my choice then, instead of what it has been for the past seven years... Now, I have to wait until re-enrollment time.
Yeah... not a happy camper. But, let me tell you, I WILL watch closely for the letters this next fall that will decide my financial fate for 2011.
As I drive to the post office to mail my letters with stamps that have increased in price, on the way to pick up my prescriptions and groceries, that have increased in price, on the way to the gas station to buy gas, that has increased in price, for my car that I had to purchase unexpectedly, with an outrageous interest rate, because I failed to keep my credit rating at an approved rate, I will be reminded to keep a closer watch on who votes for what in the state of Iowa where I am a resident, in the United States of America where I have lived my entire life, except when I was a child and my father was stationed in Germany with the Air Force.
But, I will survive and I will continue to help those in need that I feel can use a little help. I will continue to chauffeur, feed, donate and serve as I am able. That is what I was taught to do by my goodly parents and my God who said, "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." Matthew 22:39
*It is only fair to mention that my employer reimburses my Medicare insurance, not my Rx insurance, in my workplace disability. But why should they have to bear that burden? Because I am fortunate enough to draw from two sources, I do not qualify for any kind of assistance. When assistance need is calculated, nothing is taken into account for all the other normal obligations I have. I receive no food stamps, no rent reimbursement, no property tax relief, no heat assistance, no Medicaid... the list goes on for what is "out there" IF you qualify.
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